Everything that Celtic boss Brendan Rodgers said to the media after the 3-0 Scottish Premiership win over St Mirren...

What were your thoughts on the game?

Under the conditions, I thought we played some fantastic football. Playing against Stephen’s teams, they are always very well organised. We really kept the concentration, kept the conviction in the game and to keep a clean sheet was really good.

The early goal helped again, didn't it?

It certainly sets the tone. I've always said he's our tempo setter in the game, Calum MacGregor. It was brilliant how he tracked the game with the ball because we were deep and then we moved it and he travelled with it. So when the ball comes to him on the edge of the box, he has his touch and finish. That got us off to a really good start and we controlled a lot of the game. What I said to the players beforehand was just about making sure that we position ourselves well when we're attacking, so that we can sustain the attack. The feeling was that St Mirren were going to defend for 95 minutes of the game and wait for those two or three moments in counter-attack and for set-pieces. But set-pieces we controlled well and the counter-attacks we controlled very well. So, a very pleasing performance.

Are the fast starts a feature of Celtic's game?

I think it's a plus. It tells the mentality of the team. We're hungry to get on with the game, to set the tempo in the game. And the onus is on us because we want to win. And so for that, you have to show that mentality. I think the players have been absolutely superb in that aspect.

Are you in good shape ahead of the derby?

Yes, Celtic-Rangers are always big games. We're really looking forward to it. I think since our first day back pre-season, the level, the tempo that we've got to, I think you see the connection in the team when you watch the goals back. You see how the team are all together and the speed at which they can get through the field. So it'll be a great occasion next weekend. And yes, we want to continue with a really good start.

Francis Turley did well, can he feature this season or will he go out on loan?

I think he needs to stay. I was really impressed with him over the course of pre-season. He still has a lot of maturation and I think that what we don't need to do is put a lot of hype into a young 18-year-old. Just take your time. He's a talent and we've seen talents leave here because they're impatient. I don't see that, being with Francis now over the summer, he signed a new deal and had his family in. They trust the club, which is important in his development. So, for me, it's given that hope to the young players that they have a place here. He still has so much physical development to come, but technically, he's very good in the game. That just gives him that bit more oxygen and that feeling of being out there for Celtic. But he knows himself he's got a lot of work to do. But that's why he's here. And it's great for him and his family and, like you say, for Northern Ireland.

How much work do you have to do this week with the transfer window and the derby?

Yes, it's a lot of work. A lot of work. These are great weeks. Of course, it's building into the game next weekend. That's the big focus for us. But, of course, we want to strengthen the squad and we will look to do that.

How did you rate Paulo Bernardo's display?

I think that's the beauty of having him here before. He understands the structure of the team, how we play and how we work. Matt, obviously, has been away down at Brighton and it meant then we bring him [Bernardo] in and he understands how we play and work. The strength of us is the team and the structure and there's no burden left on any one player. So, Paulo coming in [it’s a message of] just play your game. And I thought he did very, very well.

What about Matt O’Riley and how you helped develop him as a player?

I think it's everyone's contribution and none's bigger than the player himself. I think when I came in last summer, he obviously never had the goals tally and he never had that end product to his game. I think he probably felt the trust that I'd given him to play lots of minutes and develop his game. And obviously, all the coaches do great work with him. But I think for Matt, it's been a real, real pleasure to work with him. I have to say, as a coach who's coached many players, he did everything he could to be the best player that he could be. His behaviour, his decency all the way through pre-season was absolutely a joy to see. From a young player who's got the riches of the Premier League in sight, he never lost his focus on Celtic. And even right up to the very last day, we'd finished, we had a lighter session on his last day, but he stayed out to do that extra little bit with the coaches. He has just been an absolute joy to work with. When you work with a player like that, you want them to succeed. Celtic won't be the end game for some of these players, but it's going to give them so much. And he leaves here now a winner, a better footballer and ready to play for any team in the world. When you play for Celtic and the pressure, and you become a winner, he can go on and play for most teams in the world now. His behaviour was second to none. He’s a good guy and I hope he does well. We continue because that's an opportunity now for some other players to come into here and take that on.

Is that the same message you use to sell the club to prospective signings? 

It's the model of the club. I think for any player coming in, you only have to look at the history of it. Like I say, for some players, Celtic is the end game. Callum, James, these guys, they love being here; they’ve had opportunities to move, but have stayed happy in Scotland. They’re happy playing for Celtic and happy winning trophies. For other players that maybe are outside of that, it's different, but that's OK. We have to accept that. There's an opportunity here. The experience that you can gain on and off the pitch will be unrivalled. The opportunity to play in a dominant team and deal with pressure. Because, OK, it might not be the Premier League up here, but in terms of pressure and resilience and mental fortitude, that's at the very highest level. If you can cope with that here, you can cope with it anywhere. Matt will find a difference, leaving here, the pressures and going to Brighton. But for any player coming, it's a wonderful opportunity to develop your game.

Are you hoping to see a large chunk of the Matt O'Riley fee?

I just hope we can at least get some of it.

In the context of the season how important a week is this with the end of the transfer window, the Champions League draw and the derby? How confident are you that you can strengthen the team by Friday?

I think it's a very important week for us. In terms of the context of next week [Rangers], we're in a really, really good place. But over the context of the season, it's really important for us. As a football club, we want to develop, we want to improve. We can't be happy just to make our money and build our pot because the bottom line is on the pitch. That's the bottom line. The supporters pay the money. I look back to the COVID times here, the Celtic supporters sold the stadium out and they weren't allowed in it. So we have the duty to put the best team on the pitch. That's what we'll do and look to do. It's taken a bit longer than I would have liked. If we can do it by Friday, and strengthen the squad, we'll be in a really, really good place. The team is in a good place, mentally, and tactically, how they're playing. But we want to strengthen and have that depth. It's taken a lot longer than I would have liked as the football manager. That's my brutally honest answer to it. But I will repeat this. If we get them in, then there's still a long season ahead. So it's important that we do get that. I have a belief that we will do.

Rangers are in a bullish mood again are they not?

I'm not listening. Our concentration has been on us. You watch us play, you see us play. We're in a really good place. Obviously, we move into next week and our focus is on ourselves, really. Rangers games are always tough. It doesn't matter who's dominating and who's not. They're always tough games. So we'll be ready for next weekend.

Why has recruitment taken so long?

There are a number of things I won't go into here. But it's definitely something - having come back in and gone through three windows now - we have to put right as a football club. We shouldn't have been getting into this last week in the position we're in. That's the reality. However, that's something for us after this window. As I said, we'll get the players in that we want. We don't need to manufacture our own stress when there's no need. We don't need to do that. So we'll be calm this week. We'll look to get the players in that can strengthen us.