Everything Cameron Carter-Vickers had to say ahead of Celtic v Aberdeen.

How are you feeling about Aberdeen as they don't have a manager are you expecting anything different from them?

We are not too sure what to expect from them. They have changed manager since the last time we played them. We are not too sure but we are looking forward to the game. We'll just focus on our game plan. 

You are on this excellent run at the moment and Celtic are nine points clear at the top of the league. The Rangers manager said the chances of catching you are low. How much attention do you pay to that? Is it hard not to get carried away when you are that far ahead?

Not really to be fair. We just kind of focus on our performance and try and play as well as we can. From my point of view, I don't think nine points is a big gap and it can change quickly and we need to be aware of that. We just need to keep performing well and winning games and see where that takes us.

There are so many games left and you are now whittling them down and the title is getting closer what are the emotions like for you and the players in the dressing room with the run you are on?

It is good to be on a good run of form with the results we have been getting at the moment. I think the manager here is very good at getting the group to focus on the next game and the performance that we want to put in. We want to improve our team's performance in every game we go into. The message in every game is to make this the best team performance and individual performance that you have ever played. That's largely what we focus on and I think that is why we maintain such consistency in performances and results. 

It has been a great run of consistency how important is it that it continues over the next week or so with the League Cup final coming up? How important is it that you get to that point coming off the back of another win?

You have got to take each game at a time. For us firstly it is about doing the job on Saturday against Aberdeen and putting in a top performance and after that, we can look forward to a good day in the cup final.

Looking at the cup final as players I am taking it that you can't even afford to worry about injury or anything like that? You talk about giving it your all in every game and I assume that's how you will look at it? There is plenty of strength in depth and everybody will be pushing for a place in the team this weekend as well as the cup final team won't they?

No one around here has spoken about the cup final and we are fully aware that we have to perform against Aberdeen and that is everyone's focus. After that, if anything does change in terms of injury and stuff like that we have the squad that the players can come in and make an impact.

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If you look at the last game against Aberdeen it took a late winner from the captain that day to break them down. They were resolute that day. It was a strong performance and your manager said he was pleased with the way you played as you dominated most areas but Aberdeen probably will show again just how tough they can be and that you will need to be at your best again to get a result won't you?

I think so. In a lot of games we have played this year we have had to try and break teams down. They have come up with game plans to try and stop us. For us, it is about being patient and knowing that if we do stick to the way the manager wants us to play then the breakthrough will come.

In the last six games Celtic have scored 23 goals which is nearly four goals a game. How encouraging is that for you going into games knowing there is plenty of firepower there?

It is really good. As a defender, you are aware that this team is going to score goals. You just have to do your job and you end up winning the game. It is always encouraging when you are scoring a lot of goals. 

On the other hand, how much are you valuing the clean sheets that you are able to keep at this moment in time?

I think that's important to us and not just the defenders but the whole team. Our defensive work definitely starts from our pressing with the players further forward up the pitch. When they are on it and they are pressing well and organised well then it definitely helps us as a back four and a goalkeeper.

You said that the manager tells you to go out and make it your best individual and team performance every game you have been having an exceptional season and you were player of the match last weekend and you have had several clean sheets. Do you feel that you are playing the best football of your career right now?

Yes, probably. It is always hard to judge and compare because I have been at a lot of different teams in a lot of different leagues so it is difficult to judge that fairly and accurately I would say. I definitely feel good at the moment and I am just going into every game trying to improve and perform.

What's the key to your consistency and your successful time at Celtic? 

I think it is a combination of things. From the moment I arrived, I felt really welcome and we have a great group in terms of staff and we have a great manager. Every day they are helping us and try to show us where we can improve. It is just that consistency of coaching and detail in our work that helps me and other players improve.

We are currently in a cycle of one game a week is training any different now from when there are two or three games in a week?

When you do have one game a week you have to do more in training. That helps us. I think in general even when we do have a number of games the group is very competitive so training is always good and everyone is always at it.

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In terms of your own game have you improved given your experiences in the Champions League and the World Cup finals?

I think so. In the Champions League and the World Cup, you are competing against some of the best players in the world. I think naturally the more you do that the more you improve. I would say that is the case with me this season.

How have the new signing settled in?

They have settled in well. We have a close squad and it is fairly easy for new players to settle in. All four of them are training well and I look forward to seeing them play more.

How much do you pay attention to comments by other managers?

Not really. I can only speak for myself personally but that is not really on my radar. I am just focused on coming in here and training and enjoying my life. I am not aware of much of that.

What have you made of Yuki Kobayashi?

I think he is a really good player. He is still fairly young and you can see his qualities day in and day out in training. I think the two games he played in her performed well and that is all any player can really do. 

Thoughts on the Scottish Cup draw?

It will be a tough game as it is always is when you play away to Hearts. It is not on our radar at the moment but it will be a tough game when we go there.