Everything that Matt O'Riley said to Celtic TV after the Hoops 4-1 Scottish Premiership win over Kilmarnock at Rugby Park...

A double for you today and a man-of-the-match performance, it looked as if Celtic could have scored with every attack in the first half did it feel like that?

Yes, I think so. We were really fluid and we had a slight change to our shape in the midfield area but I think it worked really well. We had a lot of fluid rotations and I think they really struggled with that having two in midfield and us having Greg (Taylor) and Ali (Johnston) coming inside as well to overload it and I think it worked really well.

That's four goals for the season and 12 assists as well has it been somewhat frustrating for you this season with the goal tally despite weighing in so much in terms of supplying the goals?

Yeah, probably. I think it was the wait for the first goal which was probably the hardest bit mentally. I don't want that to come across as selfish because I am not that kind of player but when you are in my position it would have been nice to have scored one at least by that time of the season. When that first one came there was a sense of relief. I think now you are starting to see that it's a bit more effortless in terms of my performances and it's kind of happening now which is nice but as long as I am helping the team that is the main thing.

Tomoki Iwata came in and you spoke about that shape. He had a really impressive display. What do you make of him and what is it like to play alongside him?

Yeah, first and foremost he (Tomoki Iwata) is a tank. He's always in the gym doing upper body work and you should see the size of his arms which are probably bigger than most of our legs and that's impressive as it is. Even though he is such a tank as I said he is really composed on the ball. He is a really nice person and so is Yuki (Kobayashi) and both of them have settled in really nicely.

It is the final game before the split next week against Motherwell. Is the split something you have managed to get your head around as of yet?

No, not really to be honest. It's one game at a time and it's the same old boring answers but that's the reality and if we continue with the same approach until the end of the season we should be in a good place.