Everything Brendan Rodgers had to say in host post-match interview with Sky Sports after Celtic's 3-1 win over Aberdeen...

Thoughts on the game?

It was a very good win for us. Barry Robson has the team very well set up and it is always difficult to play against that sort of direct style but we got through the game really well. We scored some really good goals. I am disappointed with the goal we gave away from a static goal kick. In the second half, we settled a bit better but it is a tough place to come and Barry has shown that during his time here. The directness of Aberdeen into our defensive line early was difficult but the boys stood up to it and it was a really good win.

What does this result say about the mentality and character of the team?

There is no doubt that the attitude of the players is top class and it is always a good sign for a team that you can start well and finish strong. It was always in the balance, of course, and when you look at the subs, they came on and made a really important contribution.

Any areas you want to improve on?

There is lots to work on but I think it is the beauty of the squad that they are a group of players that want to learn and want to be better. It is still very early on in the season and as things go on, the team will get better. It's two wins out of two and I am pleased.

Injury update on Cameron Carter-Vickers Reo Hatate?

Hopefully, Cam is okay. He felt his hamstring a little bit, so we just have to assess that and see what it is. We didn't want to put any more risk on him. Reo coming in was just a tactical one with second balls. There were a lot of direct balls in the first half and in midfield, we weren't getting around the second balls.  He's quite tenacious in there, Reo. Then he felt a little issue in his calf so we'll see how that is in the next couple of days.

Thoughts on Stephen Welsh?

It really is a squad game when you're at a club like Celtic and there are so many games. Every game is a big game. Welshy (Stephen Welsh) was excellent when he came in. He's trained so well and Odin as well, comes in and makes an impact. Yang too makes a difference for the third goal.

Do you feel you are starting to build momentum?

That is the aim. We don't play in the Champions League until mid-September so the idea is to develop our performance levels because when we perform well we have much more chance of winning. Players will adapt to our work. In the first half, we were probably too direct but that is just about us getting used to how we want to work and having variety in the game.

How close are you to getting a replacement for Carl Starfelt?

Very close. I'm pretty sure that next week we'll get that done.