What were your thoughts on the game? 

It was well-earned, a tough game for us. Barry since he’s come in has made them very hard to play against in terms of being direct and getting it up onto your defensive line very quickly. So you have to fight for second balls. And the pitch was a bit longer than normal. Overall it was a really good win for us. There were spells of really good football. We took the goals really well, and in those moments of adversity, we stayed strong. It was a really good three points against one of our rivals.”

You gained some injuries with Cameron Carter Vickers and Reo Hatate. Are they recurring injuries?

They look like fresh injuries, they never had those problems before. Cam just felt his hamstring towards the end of the half. We will assess that and hopefully, it will not be too bad. And Reo came into the game and just felt something in his calf. It is better for precaution’s sake to get them off and we will assess it from there. We will see in the next couple of days how they are.

Will it do a lot for the team to come through and win a game like that?

I think it will be great for their spirit because they had to come through tough moments in the game. I’ve only ever been up here once and had what I would say was a comfortable game. We came up here one midweek and won 3-0 and we were brilliant in the game but that was into the season when we had our flow and fluidity. Every game is tough even though we’ve done well here. Today was the same. We scored three but you’ve always got to concentrate because it’s a direct game style which goes up on your defensive line. You’ve got to be strong and aggressive and defend the box well. And in the moments of quality, you need to show that to get the goals. It will really be a good boost for the players, and the new players getting used to the league and how we want to work.”

Stephen Welsh came through it well, considering he has not played for ages, didn't he?

I thought he was excellent when he came in. I like Stephen. I took him with me one pre-season as a young player because I really liked him but for whatever reason he maybe hasn’t played the games. He is a Celtic boy, he wants to be at the club, I want him to be at the club. I said to him I can’t guarantee how many games you are going to play, he may play 40 games in the season, but I know he is always ready. He trains really hard every day. He came into the game and played with composure. He’s aggressive. It was really well done by him and by Odin. He’s a good player. He’s going to really show his talent as he goes through his time at Celtic. He’s a fantastic footballer he’s got an edge, he can see a pass, he can move well. And Yang came into the game and set up the third goal with a great bit of skill. I was really pleased for all the boys that came into the game and contributed.

How did you think Maik Nawrocki did?

He still has a way to go on his fitness. He is aggressive, he defends the first ball well whether in the air or he steps in. He’s good with the ball at his feet. For centre-halves, it’s all about the partnership but I am really pleased with him since he stepped in and he’s only going to get better.

Can we expect to see Gustaf Lagerbielke in the coming days?

We're looking to obviously reinforce with Carl going so hopefully we can do that in the coming days.

What about Kyogo's contribution again?

He's an elite striker, having been lucky enough to work with some really top strikers with his movement. I've just tried to give him some variety, especially when teams are man-marking him. So he's always on the last line. He can run in behind - we can see that  - but it's just about finding those little spaces in front, creating space for other players. His link-up play is good and in the last line, he is exceptional. His finish was clever, it's cunning. The top strikers, they play offside, it was a great finish.

Even this early in the season it feels like a big win, doesn't it?

Obviously, the supporters are waiting to see how it all works - me coming back, lots of new players, can we sustain the winning mentality. So to come here, Aberdeen away, it was all promoted as going to be a real challenge for us. The players handled it really well and as I said, I know they are only going to get better and better as the season goes on. It was a very important three points.

What areas do you need to improve on?

There are so many, I would be here all day if I spoke to you about them. From throw-ins for and against, build-up play, attracting ... it's just time, it's working with players, how we want to work, the different phases of the game. That's just time.

How many players do you want before the end of the window?

We need a few more, that's for sure. I don't want to put a number on it really but we've got a bit of time to strengthen the squad and hopefully, we will do that.

Is Hatate and Carter-Vickers out for Kilmarnock or will you field your strongest team?

I think whatever team I play it's to win for Celtic. We'll see how they are and put out the best team to win. We're fighting on all fronts so I want to make sure we have the strongest team. We'll assess where they are at and see how they are in the next couple of days.

You took the acclaim of the fans at the end how important is it to show that togetherness?

It was always done and done before I was here. That was the one thing that I had in my first period here, that togetherness and spirit and cohesion. And it has to be the same. But winning always puts smiles on Celtic supporters' faces. I said to the players that's important to us. It's a long journey up, especially a 12 o'clock kick-off, even though it was like the Mediterranean up here. It was more like Andalucia than Aberdeen. It was brilliant for the supporters to get the win.

Alexandro Bernabei came back into the squad today - is everything okay with him?

Yes. His alarm is working now.

On and off the park does he needs to meet the requirements of being a Celtic player?

He has been brilliant in pre-season in terms of mentality and attitude and I felt for him. The very morning of the first game of the season whatever happened the alarm did not go off. I don't have time to wait. If you start late in the game and you are not quite ready then the game could be dead.  It's gone. We draw a line under it. He's a good guy. You got to learn and you've got to be ready. His professionalism is fantastic and there is no worry. When you come into a club the standard of your performance on and off the pitch is vital. We all make mistakes but you learn from them and you'll be better for it.

Are you worried that Ange Postecoglou might take some of his former players after selling Harry Kane?

No. Not at all but it's a good question though.