Everything Celtic's Cameron Carter-Vickers said to Premier Sports, ahead of his side's Scottish Cup final match versus Rangers at Hampden on Saturday afternoon...

How has this season gone for you, with winning the league last week and lifting the trophy on Saturday?

It's good to get the league over the line. For me, the league is the most important, it's kind of a summary of 10, 11 months of work and to get there and lift the trophy at the end is always special.

Do you think the team has gotten better the deeper you've went into the season?

Yeah, we've definitely improved as the season's gone on. I think the way we've worked all season has been fairly consistent. And I think the last couple of months, you're seeing the fruits of that in terms of our performance. I think that's natural. I think anytime you work with a new manager, it takes a little bit of time to get used to his methods and get the team up to speed.

What have you made of the manager (Brendan Rodgers), and working alongside him this season?

He's a great guy. I think one of his main strengths is how he's managed to keep the group calm throughout the season and always positive and looking ahead. And I think that's really, really helped us this season.

This is a fixture that you've got a great record in, isn't it?

We're fully aware that all of these games are always unique. And when you look at it in total, the record's good, but the majority of the games have been pretty tight and tough games. So we know we've got to be fully focused and ready for the game.

Fans can watch coverage of the Scottish Cup Final live on Premier Sports from 2pm. To subscribe visit www.premiersports.com