Everything that Brendan Rodgers said to the media after Celtic's 1-1 draw with Ayr United at Somerset Park...

Brendan, what did you make of that?

I think the number one objective tonight was about the fitness and getting some minutes into the legs. That was good. There was obviously a chance to see a lot of our young players too. As you can see a lot of established players are not here but it's nice to see how the young players play because it's probably, for a lot of them, the biggest crowd they'll have played in front of.
It was a really good night and Scott's team was excellent as well.

What's the latest on Maik Nawrocki's injury?

He felt a little something in his calf so we'll just have to see what that is tomorrow.

No Liam Scales tonight, or Gustaf Lagerbielke? 

Liam is just back. He was on international duty to Liam so he'll come into the fold for the game next week. Gus had a twist on his ankle and knee in training so he's probably going to be a week out. Matt O’Riley is back in, and a few of the other guys have started to drip feed in, so they’ll come into the game for next Wednesday.

On Adam Idah, has there been a bid knocked back?

As soon as any players come in, you guys will be the first to know about it. Until then, there's just a lot of work going on behind the scenes. 
There’s lots of time. Of course, we would want to get them in sooner rather than later. But it's always a two-way thing, so hopefully we can get them done in the coming weeks.

Do you hope to get signings in before America?

That's the plan. I think every manager would like them in on the first day but what's most important is the players we want are targeted. We know what we want to bring in to improve the squad and I'm sure over the coming weeks we'll conclude the deals and get us stronger for next season.

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Is it all about patience in the window?

Yes, absolutely. We could have had nine players in by now if we wanted but it's all about the right players that we want to improve the squad. There's no point in us doing anything other than that, and sometimes that takes a little bit of patience.
In the world nowadays, where everything's immediate, everyone thinks you can do it straight away but it's not always the case. There's always a collaboration between ourselves and another club to get the players that we want but I'm very hopeful that come the end of the window, we'll have a really strong squad and be ready and prepared for an exciting season.

Does Adam Idah want to come?

Adam's a Norwich player so I'm not in the mood to be talking about other players at other clubs. But he's a player that came in here, and did exceptionally well, and we'll see what happens. 

What about Oh Hyeon-gyu?

There's some interest in Oh so we'll assess that as a club and then just manage that. But you see from tonight, his attitude is great. He had a good 45 minutes, worked well, worked hard. Let's see what the coming days bring on that one.

How did you find coming up against Scott Brown?

Yes, it was great to see him. I've seen him over the summer and I'm really happy for him. I think he's at a really, really good club here.

Any further with the search for a new goalkeeper?

It's certainly one of the areas that we needed to improve and we've known that since Joe said that he was leaving. So, yes, that again, a bit of time, but we aim to have that hopefully done by the beginning of the season, for sure.

Are you looking for a similar profile to Joe? 

There are loads of names flying about. So, just a good one would be nice.