Everything Celtic midfielder Paulo Bernardo said to the media in his first press conference as a permanent member of Brendan Rodgers' side, since his transfer from Benfica...

How pleased are you to get the deal done?

Yeah, I am delighted to be here again. We had a fantastic season last year and it’s so nice to be at the club.

Were you always confident the deal was going to go through? 

I was, yes.

What do you hope to achieve this season?

I want to be a champion again and we have three titles to win domestically. I look forward to that and I hope I have a good season in Europe too.

And from a personal point of view?

I want this season to be a little bit better than last year. Last year was good too but I need to improve and I know that it will be a better season.

Was it difficult to settle into a new country and club?

Last year I didn’t feel a lot of difficulties because my teammates welcomed me very well. The staff welcomed me well too and the club. No problems.

Are you confident you can break into the midfield and be a starter?

Yes, but I need to work for it. It’s better that way because I feel very motivated on the pitch that way to win my space and place. I think it is good for me.

Do you think you can do that?

I hope so!

What did you weigh up before signing such a long deal? Five years is such a big commitment. What did you think about before doing that?

I always thought about coming back to Celtic, so I think it was easy for me. I loved all of last season last year and the club treated me really well. It’s a pleasure for me to be back.

When you first came on loan, be honest, did you one day think that this would be a permanent home for you? Or was it just a loan first?

I thought about that when I came, but I knew that it was a loan. It’s not easy for me but I try to keep things going step by step in that way. It happened and I’m really glad that it happened.

What made you fall in love with the place and made you want to stay? What was it about last year that made you think this could be home?

The club and the fans. Both the home games and away games. When you are on the pitch, it feels like home and the club is huge here in Scotland and around the world. I had this opportunity and I took it.

How much better can the team be this season, now they are more settled and the manager has been here for a year. 

The sky is the limit. We are improving, last year we improved over the course of the season. It will be continual work for this year. We are focused this year.

You played in all of the Champions League games last season but you didn’t start in any of them. Is that something you’d like to change this year?

The Champions League is the best competition there is. I started two last year, but I want to be a starter.

You had to be patient over the summer. Was that a difficult time just waiting and hoping?

These things can take a little bit longer than we think and I had to be patient. Now, I am glad that I am here again.

Did you have to do anything to help the deal along?

No. I didn’t get involved. The people did their jobs so I was patient and it was like that.

You had a big impact in the last couple of minutes of the season with the saved shot that led to the goal. Did that make it even more special for you when coming back?

For sure, it was a really special moment. We won the league the week before and then the cup, so it was a great memory and it was my first two titles in my career. 

Have you and the manager pinpointed areas where you need to improve?

I like to work with the manager a lot. I’m really happy with him and the whole staff. Last season, they helped me a lot to develop my game and be better every day. I’m really happy and it was one factor that came to my mind.

Does the five years give you safety and security, knowing you’re here for that time? Off the pitch then on the pitch?

Yes, for sure. Everything that is easy for me off the pitch is helping me on it. If I don’t have to worry about these things then it’s easier for me because my head is clean. 

What do you think this move can do for your international aspirations?

I see this as an opportunity for me and for my career. It’s a big step in my career and I will work hard to get these opportunities for the national team too.

Do you think playing and winning trophies for Celtic and playing in the Champions League can help your international career?

For sure, it will help. No doubt about that.

When you came here last year, were you living out of a suitcase? What’s it like as a footballer when you don’t know where you’re heading?

I brought lots of clothes last year and I kept it in storage because I didn’t know if I was coming back or not. This year, it’s a little bit easier because I have the clothes in Scotland. It’s a little bit easier.

Did you keep your stuff in storage?
